

文 | 孙曜

火星财经APP(微信:hxcj24h)一线报道,根据美国司法部于2019年11月29日发布的新闻稿,新加坡居民和美国公民维吉尔·格里菲思(Virgil Griffith)因刑事指控而被捕,原因是涉嫌违反《国际紧急经济权力法》,前往朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(“ DPRK”或“朝鲜”),以就使用加密货币和区块链技术规避制裁发表演讲和技术建议。而联邦调查局助理局长威廉·斯威尼对此表示格里菲斯未经联邦政府的许可就前往朝鲜,并且他知道自己的所作所为是违法的。

前日,commerc.io的CEO、创始人恩里科·塔林(Enrico Talin)在Medium上发表文章,呼吁并请求以太坊创始人Vitalik(V神)请愿释放维吉尔。

北京时间12月2日凌晨,V神表示将在释放以太坊开发者Virgil Griffith的请愿书上签名,并在Twitter上给出自己签名的6点原因。

I refuse to take the convenient path of throwing Virgil under the bus, because I firmly believe that that would be wrong. I’m signing. Reasoning below.


0. Prefacing with two points. [i] Conflict-of-interest disclosure: Virgil is my friend, [ii] this whole thing has nothing to do with EF. EF paid nothing and offered no assistance; it was Virgil’s personal trip that many counseled against


1. Geopolitical open-mindedness is a *virtue*. It’s *admirable* to go to a group of people that one has been trained since childhood to believe is a Maximum Evil Enemy, and hear out what they have to say. The world would be better if more people on all sides did that.


2. And in fact, this virtue of his has paid off in multiple other contexts; improved relations with Ethereum Classic, Hyperledger, and others. All orgs much milder than DPRK, but the point still stands.

2.事实上,他的这种美德在其他很多情况下都得到了回报:改善与Ethereum Classic、Hyperledger等公司的关系。所有的组织都比朝鲜温和,但这一点(美德)仍然存在。

3. I don’t think what Virgil did gave DRPK any kind of real help in doing anything bad. He *delivered a presentation based on publicly available info about open-source software*. There was no weird hackery “advanced tutoring”.


4. And if there was any indication that it was going in that direction, I would have reacted much more strongly against it.


5. Virgil made no personal gain from the trip.


6. So I hope USA shows strength rather than weakness and focuses on genuine and harmful corruption that it and all countries struggle with rather than going after programmers delivering speeches parroting public information.


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星期一 2019-12-02 10:48:59

文 | 孙曜

火星财经APP(微信:hxcj24h)一线报道,根据美国司法部于2019年11月29日发布的新闻稿,新加坡居民和美国公民维吉尔·格里菲思(Virgil Griffith)因刑事指控而被捕,原因是涉嫌违反《国际紧急经济权力法》,前往朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(“ DPRK”或“朝鲜”),以就使用加密货币和区块链技术规避制裁发表演讲和技术建议。而联邦调查局助理局长威廉·斯威尼对此表示格里菲斯未经联邦政府的许可就前往朝鲜,并且他知道自己的所作所为是违法的。

前日,commerc.io的CEO、创始人恩里科·塔林(Enrico Talin)在Medium上发表文章,呼吁并请求以太坊创始人Vitalik(V神)请愿释放维吉尔。

北京时间12月2日凌晨,V神表示将在释放以太坊开发者Virgil Griffith的请愿书上签名,并在Twitter上给出自己签名的6点原因。

I refuse to take the convenient path of throwing Virgil under the bus, because I firmly believe that that would be wrong. I’m signing. Reasoning below.


0. Prefacing with two points. [i] Conflict-of-interest disclosure: Virgil is my friend, [ii] this whole thing has nothing to do with EF. EF paid nothing and offered no assistance; it was Virgil’s personal trip that many counseled against


1. Geopolitical open-mindedness is a *virtue*. It’s *admirable* to go to a group of people that one has been trained since childhood to believe is a Maximum Evil Enemy, and hear out what they have to say. The world would be better if more people on all sides did that.


2. And in fact, this virtue of his has paid off in multiple other contexts; improved relations with Ethereum Classic, Hyperledger, and others. All orgs much milder than DPRK, but the point still stands.

2.事实上,他的这种美德在其他很多情况下都得到了回报:改善与Ethereum Classic、Hyperledger等公司的关系。所有的组织都比朝鲜温和,但这一点(美德)仍然存在。

3. I don’t think what Virgil did gave DRPK any kind of real help in doing anything bad. He *delivered a presentation based on publicly available info about open-source software*. There was no weird hackery “advanced tutoring”.


4. And if there was any indication that it was going in that direction, I would have reacted much more strongly against it.


5. Virgil made no personal gain from the trip.


6. So I hope USA shows strength rather than weakness and focuses on genuine and harmful corruption that it and all countries struggle with rather than going after programmers delivering speeches parroting public information.
